Very few professionals are willing or encouraged to place their work before their peers unless they are forced to do so for State Licensing or to earn credentials in a professional organization.
I frequently post my completed cases (no faces unless my patient consents to this) on the ACE Forum. This is an open and free forum for the exchange of ideas, education,and to gain recognition by ones peers.
Why would I show close up photographs of my work for criticism by my peers?
Because it makes me a better dentist which means that you know that you are getting the best possible care that I could give to you.
Last night I posted a close up view of a case that I completed two years ago in which I told my colleagues that my goal in completing a cosmetic case is to have the work mimic beautiful natural teeth.
So what do my colleagues think of my work? More importantly, how do you, my patient feel about knowing that YOUR dentist is highly respected in his or her professional community?
Dr. H is a well known lecturer from Connecticut:
That is some beautiful work.....who did the lab work?
Just beautiful
I am proud to know you.
Dr. D is a dentist in New Mexico:
One issue I really like is that you have no problem keeping the porcelain a 1/2 mm off the marginal gingival tissue. You don't bury the margins sub-gingivally. The soft tissue can't help but love this.
Dr. L is a dentist in Wisconsin:
Absolutely magnificent.
I need to come out and watch you for a few days to see exactly how you do things.
Keep up the great work.
Dr. M is a dentist in Connecticut:
Thank you for sharing this case. The dentistry is exceptional and it's nice to see that natural-looking results can be a great option for patients. This will be a great case for people to save and show their patients when having the discussion about what they want to look like.
(Truth in posting: there were NO negative comments.)
I am honored to have my work critiqued by my peers. It confirms my belief that I do wonderful dentistry for you, my patient.