I have always viewed my job as taking care of my patients. Yes, doing dentistry is how I feed my family and pay the bills but that is NOT the same thing as ‘taking care of my patients.' In the big picture, my job is to make my patients happy whether I am replacing old and worn out fillings, restoring an old looking smile or making sure that my patients can have an appointment with a specialist when they need it.
I completed the smile make over for a patient about 2 months ago and both the patient and I loved the results so much that I decided to use the photo in one of my advertisements in Saratoga Living Magazine. Look at the photo in my ad and you will see someone who is content with her appearance and confident in her place in the world.
This is what we do. This is what I ALWAYS wanted to do with my life… To take care of my patients and make them happy.
Do all of your other doctors feel the same way that I do? And if not, why don’t they want to take care of you and make you happy?