Friday, July 2, 2010

I Am Amazed and Honored

I always strive for excellence. I have spent the last 20 years of my career studying with some of the best restorative dentists in the world because I WANT TO BE LIKE THEM!!!!

I am now amazed and honored when other dentists want to be like ME. For 31 years I practiced in a rural setting doing the best possible dentistry I could without any of my colleagues throughout the country taking note of me. Today, a dentist from Pennsylvania posted a case on the ACE forum using a technique that I have perfected.
This is what he said:

Not sure how long these 'build-ups' can last, but if economically the
patient cannot afford an onlay, I think it's prudent that we restore as
close to what nature originally had, as possible. The DB cusp of #19 was
gone here, pre-op, and when we 'hand build' these types of restorations,
putting a cusp back is quite a challenge. These take time to layer up,
and Gerald Benjamin's work makes me strive to really RESTORE a tooth,
and not just fill it.
Thanks for the inspiration, Gerald!

He did NOT send this message to ME, but rather he posted it on an international forum where other dentists have either heard of me or seen my work.

I hope that it makes you proud to know that other dentists respect and learn from YOUR DENTIST.

It certainly makes me proud.