Friday, April 29, 2011

The Internet Makes the World Smaller

A young lady in England is studying to be a hygienist and she sent me an email after finding my blog on the internet. She found my work to be very well done and my blog very interesting. We sent emails back and forth because she was interested in how I started blogging and how did I become interested in doing fine restorative dentistry for my patients.
Last week Vanessa Clegg told me that her blog was going to have an online interview with dentists every week and would I consider being the first dentist that she interviewed. I was truly honored to be asked to tell the world about the profession that I love.

If you would like to read the interview, please copy and paste this into your browser:

The internet makes us all next door neighbors. I correspond with dentists all across America on a daily basis and many dentists from around the world.