A dentist on the IDF Dental Forum decided to visit my website and read my blogs and send emails to the rest of the IDF group. The dentist reported that I criticized and demeaned other dentist (see my blog posting 'Dentists are Lousy at Dentistry.) He furthermore told the group that I was marketing to my readers that 'I claimed to be THE BEST DENTIST.' Lastly, he claimed that all I blogged about was how great a dentist I am and that I was claiming to have a bogus certificate of proficiency in esthetic dentistry from SUNY/Buffalo.
In 1995, at one of my early courses in esthetic dentistry, Dr. George Friedman gave our class words of encouragement at our completion ceremony. He told us that once we started taking many courses,our colleagues back home would hate us, feel threatened and be jealous because we would know more than they did.
I would like to respond to some of the charges that the IDF member dentist made:
1. It is illegal and unethical in the State of NY for a dentist to claim that they are THE BEST dentist or that they are superior to another dentist. Never...NOT ONCE do I state that I am the best ,dentist. In fact, I have often told you that Newton Fahl is THE BEST restorative resin dentist in the world...But I have told you that I aspire to be like Dr.Fahl. You will never find one sentence in all the years that I have been blogging that I state that I AM the best dentist. Do I aspire to EXCELLENCE? YOU BET I DO!
2. The dentist claims that my blogs are only about ME. I recently blogged that the CNN columnist John Avalon reported that the liberal health care program (Obamacare) was the brainchild of the Conservative think tank,The Heritage Foundation as an alternative to Hillary Clinton's health care proposals.WHO KNEW????? And didn't I tell you about the story that 44 percent of folks on Social Security did not believe that they were participating in a government program? Or the jazz concert that I went to and there were no young people in the audience and I blogged that we must raise our children to appreciate the arts before they disappear?
3. The Certificate of Proficiency that I earned from SUNY/Buffalo was approved by the American Dental Association and sanctioned by the New York State Board of Regents. While SUNY/Buffalo no longer offers the Certificate, The University of Minnesota Dental School DOES grant the Certificate...And as Casey Stengel,the old NY Yankees manager used to say, "You can look it up."
No one likes to have their reputation or their integrity questioned. My job was, is and will always be to take care of you the best that I can.
Glad that I got that off of my chest.
(Aside: In the year that I have been a member of the IDF, I did not see one dentist show any of their clinical dentistry to the group other than me. WHY???)