Saturday, February 9, 2013


It is amazing that at this point in my career that  renown clinicians are starting to take notice and comment on the work that I do. For most of my career, I practiced  in a tiny hamlet called Cropseyville, NY where I flew under the radar except for patients who recognized that the dental care that they were receiving was not what they wanted and found our office on the internet. Most of the dentists in the surrounding area were oblivious to what I was doing.

Over the years, many quality dentists saw the work that I had performed for my patients and took notice    that a relatively unknown clinician was producing excellence in his office. Periodically, I receive UNSOLICITED comments from  dentists who are world class in the field of clinical dentistry or dental education. Today, the former director of clinical dentistry at THE PANKEY INSTITUTE and currently director of clinical dentistry at the Spear Institute wrote the following on a Blog:

"Gerald! How EXCELLENT to hear from you and know you’re looking at the website and the review. Thanks for the comment – you are a master of composite and I try to share many of the things you shared with me the past few years when our paths have crossed. Thanks again!"

I am so honored by these comments because this is a person that recognizes and teaches clinical excellence to other dentists.

It is important for my patients to know that other DENTISTS believe that our work is excellent.