Tuesday, December 24, 2013


In the past two days, I treated a patient from Washington, DC, San Hosea, CA and Grand Rapids, MI.
Why would these relatively young patients (less than 40) schedule appointments with me when they returned 'home' for the Holidays to see their family?

The answer is simple:

They trust me to treat them right,  have the skill and knowledge and be proficient in my areas of treatment and lastly to have high ethical standards to place their best interest above my own financial concerns.

Patients that select their dentist because they accept their insurance, have low fees and are close to home or work are truly missing out because they will never be able to trust that dentist.

I value my patient's trust more than anything.

I received this email today (December 24) and I thought that I would share it with you.

"Just wanted to say thank you for the gift of the best advice.  I am so happy
with my emerging new smile.
Happy holidays!"

This older patient trusted me sufficiently that when I told her that cutting down her teeth for crowns was not in her best interest and that Invisilign (invisible braces) would be a far better option. My fee would have been $14,000 , earned in less than a month….AND SHE WAS READY TO START TREATMENT. I sat down with this patient and explained that moving her teeth for a beautiful smile was far superior (in this case) to over cutting her teeth for crowns. She trusted me to help her make the right decision even though I would not make a penny treating her.