Friday, January 17, 2014

Big Problems, Small Solutions

Many times a patient comes to our office complaining of an esthetic problem in their smile that has bothered them for many years but they assumed that the cost to correct the problem would cost a small fortune. As I have told you many times, it is my job to conserve natural tooth structure  so that when dentistry ultimately fails in a few decades, we will still have a sufficient amount of tooth structure to enable the tooth to survive. This means that I do very few crowns on live teeth (and my 401K hates me for this).

The black triangle in the front of the mouth can be one of the most displeasing and challenging problems for a patient. The simple and costly solution is to prepare 10 teeth for veneers but my patient did not NEED, did not WANT, nor could she afford to have 10 veneers.  All she wanted was to close the space between her front teeth which we were able to do in less than 2 hours.

The best clinical dentists have the talent, expertise and passion to solve this problem using direct resin bonded veneers which can be beautiful, conservative and with a minimal cost relative to porcelain veneers. I posted this case on my Facebook page and received high praise from my colleagues around the country.

Can your dentist do this?