Sunday, March 23, 2014

See For Yourself

When the nerve of a tooth becomes infected because of:

1. Long standing untreated tooth decay
2. Removing tooth decay in the same tooth many times
3. Removing tooth decay several times and placing a crown
4. Trauma to the tooth such as a car accident, falling off of a bike or being hit in the mouth by a ball

We know that the nerve of a tooth has or is dying when:
1. A patient has a toothache
2. A patient is swollen
3. An x-ray shows a dark circle around the roots.

The treatment is to COMPLETELY remove the nerve (dead or alive) from the nerve space, clean the canal and place a dense, inert material down all the roots. The KEY to this treatment is for the dentist to completely clean to the exact end of the root of the tooth.

Please look at the top x-ray and you can clearly see that the tooth has been cleaned and sealed down the entire root.
The bottom x-ray indicates that the dentist failed to clean the last 3 millimeters down the root where all the bacteria live.

Root Canal Experts performed the top root canal while another root canal dentist attempted a root canal in the bottom x-ray.

Can YOU see the difference?

Root Canal Experts is MY CHOICE when YOU need a root canal.