Sunday, September 28, 2014


I consulted with a 16 year old young lady and her Mother last week. The mother and father are my patients and they wanted me to treat their daughter  rather than the pedodontist (children's dentist.)
I had consulted with this young lady about 2 years ago and I realized that she was not able to breath through her nose. During the last five or so years, dentistry has realized that breathing difficulties  have an effect on the size of the mouth and the shape of the face in addition to being a quality of life issue. I don't remember why mom asked me to see her daughter a few years ago but I did strongly recommend that she see a pediatric ear nose and throat specialist to correct her difficulty in breathing threw her nose.

At the consult this week, my patient's mother volunteered that her daughter had her tonsils and adenoids removed as I had recommended and that the ENT specialist said to her, " You must go to a very good dentist because only the best dentists are knowledgeable about the connection between  breathing problems and oral complications."

I really try to do the very best that I can to take care of my patients even if it is only a recommendation to see a medical specialist.

Dollars earned: Zero
Reward: Great satisfaction in knowing that I made my patient's life better.