I have mentored many young dentists which involves hours of time, the exchange of hundreds of emails and texts and many face to face meetings. Most older dentists are unwilling to spend time educating our young colleagues and certainly will not do it unless they are paid.
One of the young dentists that I mentor is Dr Ashok from Bangalore, India. He found me online on a dental forum about 7 years ago and we have exchanged 1000s of emails and he will make his third visit to our office in a few months. When I first met him, he could not accept the concept of conserving as much tooth structure as possible by placing beautiful and strong direct bonded resin fillings using a rubber dam. He told me what everyone has told me for more than TWO DECADES....That treatment will not 'work! You and I know that bonded resin fillings are fabulous for saving teeth without crowns but Dr. Ashok was not too sure about that.
Over these past 7 or so years Dr. Ashok has worked very hard to emulate my work and after all of this time, he has become a master of resin fillings. He no longer doubts my techniques or materials and now his colleagues in Bangalore tell him the same thing that dentists here told me: That treatment won't work! Because he has become a master, he was recently invited to present a lecture in Bangalore on saving teeth with resins rather than destroying tooth structure with crowns. This is a photo of Dr. Ashok giving a lecture.
He and other young dentists are creating my Legacy...Just as it is meant to be.