Saturday, January 31, 2015

Online Ratings of Physicians and Dentists

 I found this ad on Facebook. I could be listed as one of the best dentists and now at no cost or obligation.... But why would I want to be listed?

Why would anyone trust an online survey of physicians and dentists? Most are fraudulent or lacking understanding of what it takes to be a top clinician. Many patients feel that a dentist is '
good' if they accept their dental insurance.


I  can pretty much say that the BEST dentists in the country do not participate with insurance.

So beware when you see: " Dr Smith, one of the best dentists in the world."

Has anyone tried to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge lately?

Do you qualify to be part of The Leading Physicians of the World? Apply Now at No Charge!
Be part of the renowned publication, The Leading Physicians of the World. Apply now to find out if you qualify for the next edition. There is no cost or obligation for inclusion!