Friday, August 28, 2015

I Don't Get It

There is something strange about some of our senior citizens. They dress presentably, have their hair and nails impeccably done and they go on nice trips.

Today at Compton's ( the local diner on Broadway frequented by locals and visitors alike) there was a slew of older folks that looked 10 years older than their chronological age i.e. 72 yrs old. Why????
Because their dentures are 30 years old, ill fitting and and fail to support the face...

Have we banned mirrors? With all the photos taken by cell phone, do people not look at themselves?

We don't wear 30 year old shoes.
We don't drive 30 year old tires or cars.
We don't keep our kitchens for 30 years.

Come on old are making the rest of us look bad. Buy a new denture for heavens sake.

Geeez. (exasperation)