Friday, August 19, 2016

A Social Experiment

A few years ago one of my patients received the bad news that he was going to lose a front tooth because it was dissolving (called internal resorption). He took the news well and would have the tooth extracted and after a few months have an implant placed and then a crown placed on the implant about 5 months later. The total time without a tooth would be 8-10 months.

I, of course, informed the patient that I would make him an Essix appliance which would provide a fake replacement that would look, but not feel, like he still had all of his front teeth. But to my amazement, my patient declined to have a replacement tooth because he wanted to see how people would treat him when he was missing a front tooth...This is a great social experiment but one that comes at a very high cost socially and professionally. There is ALWAYS a fee to make an Essix because it usually takes me 2-3 hours to fabricate. However, after I saw my patient toothless, I offered to make his Essix at NO CHARGE because I was uncomfortable  seeing him without a tooth.
Offer DECLINED and the social experiment would continue.

My patient is in a management position at New York State and came into contact with many people on a daily basis. So what do you think that my patient learned by walking around toothless?

He learned that people to DO have minimal standards of appearance for their boss and co-workers. People were upset to see someone that they knew, liked and respected missing a front tooth.

Think about that: teeth, dental health and one's general appearance DO matter. Even if a person doesn't care how they look, everyone else cares because WE have to look at you.