This forum has many world class dentists especially in the field of implant dentistry. As you know, I do not surgically place implants but I do the restoration of the implants. That means that I place the actual teeth onto the implant roots. That said, I feel that I need to know many of the preceding surgical steps that go before I place the crowns, bridges or dentures.
The hardest part of implant dentistry is making the gum tissue around the implants, healthy and in the right place so that the implant crowns look like teeth.
In the case that I posted yesterday, a new patient came to my office after the implant had been placed; she was very unhappy with her treatment. One reason was that she had the 'infamous' black triangle between her teeth. I asked the advice of many on the forum so that I could determine how to close the black space. Most of the suggestions involved orthodontic treatment but I thought that I had a better way to close the space.

Note that the black triangle is filled in with pink, pointed gum tissue. Believe it or not, closing that space is one of the most challenging things to do in all of dentistry.
So what did some of my colleagues say?
Gerald, congratulations on your treatment management and results. It really takes a lot of details to manage this great combined perio-ortho-pros to achieve such a great result. I agree with Maurice on the CTG for the future of the soft tissue margin, specially thinking on the long run. As Jorge says, most of times the simplest option results the most favorable....and some times difficult to achieve. Beautiful case and result!
Thanks for sharing such a nice case.
Best regards,
Thanks for sharing such a nice case.
Best regards,
Do you think that the fact that I have almost 6500 HOURS of post dental school education has anything to do with my clinical success?
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