Friday, March 16, 2018


In my previous blog, I told you about a young dentist that does not posses the knowledge, skill, talent or experience to KNOW that he doesn't know and yet he spoke with absolute certainty that he was correct about his offered opinion....He wasn't.  My mentor used to say:

 "Arrogance is confidence without competence."

Another young dentist who "reluctantly" changed his opinion after many months of chatting with me about the tremendous value of resin as a restorative material has now become a disciple of treating teeth the same way that I have been doing for more than 2 DECADES. That is, I do not destroy your teeth with a crown in order to 'save' it. Yes, I could been an extremely wealthy individual if making a lot of money was my goal. As you know, I will not hurt a patient to increase my wealth. This is how the young dentist responded to the unconsciously unknowing dentist who criticized me:

Matthew Kyle I am not one to force my pattern of practice on anyone else, but I also try not to discount a dentist, like Gerald Benjamin, who has had countless cases that are successful at 20+ years. 

Maybe we could all learn from those who have pion
eered the field of adhesive dentistry.

I just listened to Ray Bertolotti, the father of American adhesive dentistry, speak and he said in front of everyone he doesn't see a single indication for a new crown with the only exception being to replace a previously completed crown. He also has cases that are 30+ year successes.
Gerald Benjamin Matthew Thanks for your kind words. Drs. Bertilotti and Kanca are among the true rockstars of restorative dentistry; Bertilotti's statement is mind boggling even though I have been practicing a conservative approach to restorative dentistry for more than 2 decades. Because the faculty of many dental schools are clinically mediocre they too denigrate composite. Below is a TEN YEAR OLD direct bonded veneer case just to show some people that resin done right is an amazing material. Maybe Kyle will believe his own eyes.Manage