Saturday, October 6, 2018

Believing What Is Not True.

Aspirin a day saves lives in older folks....No it doesn't. Not if you are a healthy older person

Statins save lives....99,999 people have to take a statin for one person's life to be saved

 “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win” to Mahatma Gandhi. No Mahatma Gandhi never said this. This is one of the top 10 misattributed quotes of all time...

In the year 2018 we still BELIEVE what we want to believe because SOMEONE told us.

The overwhelming majority of young dentists BELIEVE that bonded resin to fix back teeth is a terrible material... I don't care WHAT they believe...Their arrogance due to their ignorance is stunning. Don't you think that after using bonded resin for 25 YEARS...A QUARTER OF A CENTURY...that I would have discovered that resin is a terrible material....It is a WONDERFUL MATERIAL.

I saw many long time patients (20-38 years each) and you all have bonded resin in your back teeth...and you all have your own natural teeth...and you have very few crowns and virtually no implants...

So all of YOU know that bonded resin is a wonderful material...

The young dentists don't know because they never bothered to learn how to place a bonded resin and the #1 dental researcher in the country, Dr. Gordon Christensen agrees with me..Young dentists want to cut down your teeth for crowns because they can make more money..

Don't believe what is not true.