Sunday, December 16, 2018

All Dentists Are the Same

Statistically, the average bonded white resin filling lasts 7 years...That means that some only last one or two years. My bonded resin fillings have lasted 22 years and counting....Why?

Average dentist's protocol for placing a resin filling: Steps

1.Administers Novocaine
2.Removes old failing filling or tooth decay
3.Starts bonding protocol
4.Places resin into tooth and shapes
5.Cures resin using one light from the bite surface only

My protocol for placing a resin filling: Steps

1. Administer Novocaine
2. Apply a rubber dam for complete isolation and visualization
3. Remove old failing filling or tooth decay
4. Use a tooth decay stain to guarantee that all tooth decay is removed
5. Place a bevel around all margins of the natural tooth to insure that filling does not permit saliva to get under new resin filling
6. Use a miniature sand plaster to completely clean the tooth for a perfect bonding surface
7. Start bonding protocol
8. Place resin into tooth and shape; Using a sable brush the resin in brushed over the beveled margin for complete sealing of tooth by the resin to insure a long lasting filling.
9. Using 2 powerful lights, the resin is cured (set) from both sides of the tooth (cheek and tongue) simultaneously  and finally from the bite surface. This improves the quality of the cured resin for long life.

The attention to detail is what enables my direct posterior resins last almost a quarter of a century or as long as a well placed mercury filling with much less chance of leakage. Why don't 95% of American dentists not place a rubber dam???


All dentists are NOT the same any more than all baseball players, teachers, lawyers or car mechanics are the same.

Why do many Americans think or believe that all dentists are the same??? So that they can go to the cheapest dentist and not feel guilty.