Thursday, April 11, 2019

"Gerald Has the Right Model, if You Can Do It"

A very fine dentist near Pittsburgh, PA posted a case on one of my few remaining dental forums in which he said that his patient was WILLING to have ceramic onlays placed on her teeth but that he could not destroy healthy tooth structure (and hurt his patient) in order to make a higher profit. This dentist is very talented and preferred to place conservative, direct bonded resin restorations over the more profitable onlays.

I wrote the dentist who has been a friend of mine for 20 years and commended his integrity for doing the right thing.

Another dentist posted his response on the forum and said,

"If direct resin fees were  raised to what the should be, more would be done and teeth preserved. A back ass model for sure. We are paid more to destroy teeth instead of more to preserve them. Gerald has the right model if you can do it."

Truth be told. We all know that insurance companies are responsible for tremendous numbers of crowns placed for patients  in America.

Congratulations for being wise enough and care enough to select our office for your care. I will always do the right thing even it means making less money. You get to keep your own teeth your entire life and I have the privilege of taking care of you.


And other dentists KNOW how I treat my patients.