Saturday, February 4, 2012

Represents a Commitment to (Insert here)excellence

Susan and I went to the Branford Marsalis Jazz Concert at Proctor's in Schenectady last night.The concert was wonderful so this morning I did some reading about Branford to see what makes him 'tick.' I went to his website where I saw the statement, "Branford Marsalis represents a commitment to musical excellence."

You know that when I see the words, "A commitment to excellence," my attention level rises dramatically.

I have met many people in my life but only a relative handful of them are committed to excellence. In my dental life I would only say that Frank Speak, Fred McIntrye and Francisco Banchs would qualify to say that they are committed to excellence. The overwhelming majority of people who SAY that they are committed to excellence are more often committed to making money. Earning a good living is most certainly important but we cannot confuse "Committed to Excellence" with "Committed to Making Money."

My life long goal is to be on someone's list when they are asked who in dentistry is 'Committed to Excellence."