Monday, December 19, 2016

International Week at Dr. Benjamin's Office

This is a pretty special week in our office. We will see three patients who will travel hundreds or thousands of miles to have dental care in our office.

We saw our new patient from Singapore today and probably every day this week. Also, a long time patient who dated one of our staff's sons. Her Mother lives in NYC and she lives in Japan. Every time she comes 'home' to her Mother, she drives up from The Bronx to have a dental appointment. I have treated this young lady for more than 10 years and she refuses to go to any other dental practice. Lastly we saw a young Lady from Toronto, Canada. Her Mother recently became our patient after she married a man that I have cared for for 30+ years. Her Mother insisted that she become our patient after learning that tooth decay was left under her new bonded fillings.

Someone just told me that our office was ME and that if and when I retire, the office will be 'just' a regular dental office.


OUR office isn't ME...Our office is a dental practice dedicated to excellence  and as long as the dentist in our office is continuing the legacy of excellence, our office will survive and prosper.

People are coming from all over the world to have care in our office because WE CARE...and we dedicate ourselves to taking care of YOU and YOUR Family.

That is our reason for being.