Sunday, October 29, 2017

Draining The Swamp? (Not political)

FEMA, the Federal Emergency Response Department, wants Whitefish Energy's contract to restore power to Puerto Rico CANCELLED.


The Energy company has been in existence for TWO YEARS and has TWO EMPLOYEES. The contract is for $300 MILLION.

Wait a second!  So how does this tiny Energy company land such a large contract without any experience?

The facts and just the facts:

The Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke, is from Whiteface, Montana.....Hmmm
Whiteface Energy is financed by Joe Colonnetta who founded HBC Investments
Joe Colonnetta is a contributor  of the President.

I smell a swamp here.

I really don't care who is running the government but the one thing is for sure: The American people will continue to lose.

Shame on us.