Wednesday, October 4, 2017

I Complained and They Listened

For the last two years, Capital Living Magazine had their "Top Dentist" issue and surveys were sent out to all of the dentists in the area requesting that they decide who are their top colleagues. (You can't vote for yourself.) My complaint to the Magazine was that each dentist was selected by other dentists in their small town rather than as the Top Dentist for the entire Capital District.  When Capital Living publishes the top physicians, a doctor is not listed by their small town but they are the BEST in the region.

The Magazine must have listened because the new survey results came out today and the listing was for  the Top Dentists in the Capital Distract rather than the Top Dentist in Saratoga or Cropseyville, NY, my previous location.

Did I make the list?

Of course but instead of being one of the Top Dentists in Saratoga Springs, I am one of the Top Dentists in all of the Capital District.

Is this important?


I went to many of the other general dentist's websites and virtually none of them posted photos of their work?

In the big leagues, if a dentist doesn't photograph their work, they are not considered in the big leagues. If a dentist hasn't done a lot of cases, they don't have any to show you. If the dentist says that  "they don't have time to take pictures of their work, then they are not doing quality exception.

Would I go to many of the dentists on the Top Dentist General Dentistry group?

Can I take the 5th?