I have told you before that the student LIVES to be complimented by his or her mentor. I have been most fortunate to have had the support of many of my mentors during my long career.
That said, many times we influence people and gain their respect at great distances because of the internet. I have 'known' dentists for 20+ years on dental forums but have never had the pleasure of meeting them in person.
Today, an older dentist from Texas presented the dentists who he has followed during his early years and who have served as his mentors. He concluded by asking other dentists on the forum who we followed and who inspired us.
One dentist that I know all of my 20+ years on this forum wrote the following:
David Hornbrook solidified my confidence in doing cosmetic cases.
And via the many internet forums over the years I have learned so much that I consider Rick, Guy, Ray Voller, Gary Henkel, Gerald Benjamin, Jeff Blank, John Highsmith, Suz, Gerilyn Alfe, Sander and so many others as mentors, whether they knew it or not. All you guys have made me a better dentist."
Another young dentist that I met 3-4 years ago said the following:
"I have yet to met anyone more challenging than Gerald. I will also admit, I am very hard on mentors as I usually question them more than I accept from them. Gerald is one of the few who have withstood my cynicism. It is too early to have a top 5 in my career, but Gerald stands above the rest.
I will also state that Gerald is the only doctor who has agreed to let me try and replicate the 'Tucker Gold Study.' This is a question I frequently ask and most turn me down. I am not sure when I will be able to get up there to do so, but to allow this level of transparency in someone he has never met speaks volumes about him and his confidence in his clinical dentistry, which is something I don't see very often. "
Matt and I did not see eye to eye at the beginning because I could not see any passion for clinical dentistry. I showed him my direct posterior resins that I would place for MY patients instead of destroying teeth for crowns, especially in younger patients in their 20,30,40s. He did not believe my success with resins but he admired my commitment and passion to help each and every one of YOU. Unbeknownst to me, he decided to copy my style of dentistry and began taking 100s of hours of high quality Continuing Education.
Matt has become a 'convert' to excellence. I am truly honored by his commitment to excellence and I am thrilled to have been his mentor.