Thursday, November 2, 2017

It is ALL Corrupt

"Dear Dentist,
The Key Group, an independent market research firm, has been commissioned by a leading manufacturer of dental supplies to conduct a survey in order to test a new product concept of a system to aid in composite rebuilds.  For this project, our client is specifically targeting dentists under 50 years of age.  We would like to invite you to share your opinions!
Upon completion of the survey, you will be sent a $40 honorarium check for your time. This questionnaire should take about 15 minutes to complete.
This study is strictly for market research only; no sales will be involved and your responses will remain confidential.  If your answers to the pre-screening questions qualify you to participate, you will be launched into the questionnaire. "

This is from an email that I received today. If you notice, the survey is targeting dentists under 50 years of age.

Why under 50?

Why limit your research to dentists of a specific age group?

How can we call this a legitimate survey?

It is my belief that the BEST clinical dentists in the United States are above 60 years of age. 

The New America.