Monday, February 17, 2020

Doing the Right Thing

The Golden Standard in Health Care is, "What would you do if this was your son, your wife or your mother?" It is THAT simple because there would never be money involved.

This is a case that I did several years ago in  which a 21 year old Skidmore male student came to my office requesting that I fix his chipped tooth. As you can see from the top photo, it is obvious where the existing resin filling ends because of the brown stain. Rule #1 in my office is to NEVER place a crown on a live tooth for a 20,30 or 40 year old patient. That said, MOST dentists would have placed a crown on this tooth EXCEPT if it was THEIR SON. I removed the old filling and bonded in a direct  layered resin restoration that to the average person, looks perfect.

Isn't this the way that you want ME to take care of YOU?  And take money out of the equation and just DO THE RIGHT THING?

It is distressing to see money dominate all aspects of health care instead of  doing the right treatment for the RIGHT reason.  Please tell your friends that they don't have to have their teeth cut down (and destroyed) for a crown most of the time. And if the do and they are under 50, they have a $6,000 implant and crown in their future.