Monday, December 14, 2020

Taking Care of My Patients

 The Pandemic and politics have made our lives miserable and are the reasons that I don't blog much.

I told you that I used to post my work on several dental forums over the years and had a reputation as a significant clinician. I rarely post my work any more because very few dentists on these forums are interested in pursuing excellence.

An older dentist posted the following recently:

Very impressive, Gerald. Thank you for the brilliant skill you employ while caring fir your patients. Thanks for inspiring us to think differently about what we do. 

The post concerned the influence of dental insurance on the quality of care and the ability to deliver excellence to your patient IF the dentist participates with insurance.

The discussion yielded the following:

Participation with insurance does not permit the patient to have access to the BEST POSSIBLE DENTAL CARE.

Insurance limits the materials the a dentist can use.
Insurance precludes dentists from hiring and paying for the BEST staff members.
Insurance prevents a dentist from using the BEST dental laboratories.

I will not have the stockholders of the insurance companies preventing me from deliver excellence in clinical dentistry  because they want to make more money.

YOU are MY PATIENT and no one will dictate the quality (or lack of)  of your  treatment.