Wednesday, September 5, 2018

My Colleagues Know

On many of the website forums that I participate in, I am recognized as someone who respects and strives for excellence. A dentist posted the following:

I do cosmetic stuff as an occasional treat; not a regular diet, and dread the prospect of FMRs.  This one felt good.

Pretty 30 year old with a lot of bruxism and erosion damage, and broken centrals. She was in with the hygienist and they started talking about what could be donet  with veneers, and she was ready to go before I came into the room. Did a simulation in the computer to be sure of expectations, and she couldn't  wait to have it booked.  Would have liked to have done 4 teeth, but two was all she could manage at this point in her life.  The acid problem is under control and she readily accepted a nightguard to protect them, so  Hey Ho Let's Go.  Did a couple of EMax veneers and she's over the moon.  She knows they'll likely need replacement at some point, and hopefully will have the ability to do all four incisors as crowns, since the linguals have been pretty thinned out by erosion.

Crtitiques? Should I have tried composite, Benjamin-style, lacking his talent? 

Should they have been longer so as not to look so wide? Would you have held out until she could do more teeth?  (She was so thrilled on cementation she was talking about doing the little laterals someday when she could afford to).

I did fix the cervical caries first, BTW, and she asked for them a shade light because she's going to whiten a bit.

You don't have to read or understand what the dentist was describing but what was flattering and appreciated was the reference to me by my colleague. 

Every dentist that knows me recognizes that I try to do the MOST CONSERVATIVE treatment that I can to preserve a patient's natural tooth i.e. Not destroy a tooth with a crown  and that I value EXCELLENCE and INTEGRITY above everything else.

It should make YOU proud when other dentists refer to me as a standard of excellence.