Friday, March 11, 2022

So Well Cared For In This Office

 Twice this past week patients said to me, "I feel so well cared for in this office."

When a physician, surgeon or dentist says that they will take care of YOU, the Patient should FEEL taken care of. 

What  has gone wrong?

Back in the day, the  old guys repeatedly told me, "You ALWAYS put your patient's best  interest above  your own." ie Don't let making money take precedence over taking care of your patient.

Being an honest, ethical and religious person (in the BEST sense of the word), I took those words to heart and have NEVER put making money for myself over providing the best care for YOU.

So what has changed?

Two things: 

1.Insurance companies and government programs (MEDICARE) do not allow physicians or dentists to earn a living honestly.

2. The cost of attaining a dental school education is too high (NYU Dental School charges #125,000 a year for dental school.

Insurance companies reimburse dentist 37% of the usual dentist's fee to place a filling when overhead is 70% and MEDICARE pays 10% of a physican's/surgeon's fee.

Would YOU work for 37% of  your daily paycheck at work?

And THAT is why I won't participate with insurance companies. Insurance companies don't care about YOU and I do.