Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Standard

Everything is judged by something else and that person or a product that is selected as the universal 'best' is considered the Standard of Excellence.

On the ACE forum communication can be private and direct or open to the general forum. There was a recent discussion about placing challenging direct posterior resin restorations which are my favorite restoration for my patients. WHY???
Because I am able to restore a tooth without removing a millimeter of healthy, natural tooth structure; most dentists would rather place onlays and crowns which destroy enamel and earn them more money.

The discussion on the ACE forum yesterday was about a course to teach how to place large challenging large direct resins and this is what one of the dentists who has already taken the course said:

"It is a 3 day course that goes into extreme detail about stuff like fractures, endo teeth and how to handle it. People like Gerald who is the closest thing we have to a dental Jesus doesn't need the course, but even though I was having great success with composites I learned a lot. I was taught by Ray Bertolotti and he took the course and is now a huge proponent of it."

It is an honor to be viewed as THE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE by one's colleagues.

I became very proficient at direct posterior resins so that I could take care of you the best that I could.