Monday, September 3, 2012

The Facts Based in Reality

I have no idea which side of the political spectrum the journalist John Avlon of CNN, Newsweek and The Beast comes from. Nor do I know or care how he votes. What I did find interesting in his recent column was the following:

"...the heated debate over Obamacare is intentionally mischaracterized as a "government takeover of health care" despite that there's no public option for health insurance, let alone a single payer.

Whatever its many flaws, the individual mandate was a plan initially put forward by the conservative Heritage Foundation, proposed by Republicans as an alternative to "Hillary Care" in the 1990s. It was implemented in his state by Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who argued it advanced the virtue of personal responsibility. But "government takeover of health care" polls better, and so it is repeated in the echo chamber until facts start to fade."

Something to think about when we think we know the facts.