Saturday, October 6, 2012

Sometimes I Have to Say I'm Sorry

Every once in a while, I am presented with the proverbial "tooth from Hell" which is almost impossible to fix. I hate to lose in my battle with a tooth and I sometimes forget that I must stay on schedule. Unfortunately, last Tuesday, I met with one of those impossible teeth and my last patient could not wait any longer and rescheduled her appointment. The following day, I asked Donna to send my patient a gift basket with a note of apology. Upon receiving the basket, my patient sent me the following email:

"Jeez Louise, what a lovely treat basket! Thank you ever so much for your thoughtfulness- truly I would have waited but I was so exhausted from the day from hell with my class that I had to go home and have a nap! Really, you shouldn’t have! I’ll call on Tuesday to reschedule. Again, thank you for being a first class act. You know I think you are the best!" Taken aback- S

Physicians and dentists must never forget that taking care of patients is our number one priority and when we abuse someone's time, we must step up and say that we are sorry. I truly am sorry when something does not go as I planned or I am excessively late. You have my apologies.