Sunday, December 30, 2012

Telephones and Vacuum Cleaners

In the old days, Susan's Mother purchased an Electrolux vacuum and my Mother bought a Hoover vacuum. These old machines seem to have lasted forever and I never remember my Mother ever replacing the old Hoover when I lived at home.  The old ITT phones also lasted forever even though they often hit the floor because the cord had stretched out so much.

Then something changed. The phones were deregulated by the government and many cheap phones came onto the market. At the same time, Japan became an economic powerhouse in the 1980s and they flooded the market with Japanese vacuum cleaners.  The result in both cases, is that folks often replaced their phones and vacuum cleaners every year or two because of how poorly they were constructed.

But many people were thrilled with the new phones and vacuum cleaners because they were so cheap to buy and when they didn't work in a year or so, you would just throw them away and buy new products.

The fact of the matter is that the Electrolux cost about $800 and lasted twenty years while the Panasonic  or similar vacuums cost $300 and lasted 2 years. Please do the math!!!!!!

The new 'cheaper' products cost far more  and caused more grief than the 'expensive' vacuums.

The same is true today in dentistry. There are an incredible number of dentists who participate with insurance companies so that the initial cost to the patient seems low but the rapid failure rate requires the work to be redone and the insurance company will not pay for a second treatment. Root canals ARE expensive especially when they only last a year or two before they fail.

Isn't it better to invest your dental dollars in high quality dental care and not have to have the work redone in the near future.

As always, it is your choice.