Saturday, October 12, 2013

Doing the Right Thing

No one forces us to the right thing or pays us extra to do the right thing. It is the right thing to do and most us us know this.

Last Saturday afternoon at 4:50 pm I received a call from one of my long time patients telling me that she broke a tooth. She put her broken tooth in context by telling me that her husband died a week ago, she had to euthanize her pet and now the broken tooth all while talking through her tears.

I asked her when she would like me to fix her tooth and she responded 'NOW.'  I told her that she could come right in knowing that it would take her about 75 minutes to arrive.  I restored her tooth with great difficulty since I was working by myself and it was one of the more difficult teeth to restore.

At the end of the appointment she asked me if it would be ok to make payments over time to which I responded, " There is no charge. You need a favor and not a filling.  She fell into my arms, her knees buckled and she started to cry. This person has been my patient for almost 30 years and I was not about to make her life any more difficult than it already was.

Everyone knows the right thing to do but making money gets in the way much of the time.

I did what I did because it is what needed to be done.

More of us need to do the right thing....Are you listening Congress?