Wednesday, January 1, 2014

And Yet Again

Last night, over a glass of wine, a friend of mine told me that people only think of me as a Cosmetic Dentist.  The reality is:  1. There is no one that can legally or ethically call themselves a 'cosmetic' dentist and 2. Most of the dentists who consider themselves 'cosmetic dentists' lack the artistic talent, knowledge  etc to produce what the best dentists in the world would consider cosmetically oriented dentistry.

So given the fact that there is no such legal entity as a Cosmetic Dentist, I tell people that I am a general dentist that limits my practice to fixing teeth and restoring implants. I refer my patients to the best specialists that I can find for all other aspects of treating teeth.

What does  most of my daily schedule involve? Fixing teeth: placing direct bonded, mercury free, strong composite resin….white fillings. Sometimes, when the tooth requires it, I place a crown on the tooth. And I restore a significant number of dental implants. Sometimes, patients come to my office to have their whole mouth restored back to excellent health including a beautiful smile.

Then WHY am I known for being a cosmetic dentist?  I am the only dentist in the Capital District who has earned a Certificate of Proficiency in Esthetic Dentistry from SUNY/Buffalo almost 15 years ago. This means that I can ethically say that I am a general dentist with a specialty in Esthetic Dentistry….This is the closest thing to being a 'cosmetic dentist.'

Another reason that I am known for cosmetic dentistry is that my marketing is directed to visually appealing dentistry…Dentistry that everyone can see and recognize as beautiful work.  My ads show beautiful smiles because the average patient takes note of beautiful smiles.

If I don't show beautiful dentistry in my ads what would I say? " I participate with your insurance company which I don't and won't or that I cater to cowards which I don't and won't.

I am a general dentist that is known for how I fix teeth. So if you hear your friends refer to me as a 'cosmetic dentist' please correct them and tell them if that they are looking for  a new dentist, I would be happy to see them.