Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Problem with American Dentistry

To be honest, I can't remember which publication of the American Dental Association  (ADA) this leadership photo appeared in. But I can tell you that NONE of these old American dentists is representative of the AVERAGE dentist.

The average age of a dentist is about 46 years old.
The average 'leader' of the one of the auxiliary groups of is between 60 and 70 years old.

The leadership of dentistry is totally out of touch with the membership and it is BY DESIGN.

There are only about 150,000 dentists who pay their dues to the American Dental Association and not ONE average dentist is permitted to vote directly for their president. It is, by design, a leadership of old men so that if you live long enough, the possibility exists that you can be President of the ADA

Things in America cannot change unless old white guys get  out of the way. Approximately 53% of Medical, Dental and Law School classes are FEMALE so that will give you an idea of how out of touch the leadership is.