Monday, July 21, 2014

"Fees Have Increased so Much Since You Moved to Saratoga"

I hear the comment often that our fees are significantly higher since moving to Saratoga.

Comprehensive dentistry, implant dentistry and cosmetic dentistry are the most expensive treatment modalities in all of dentistry regardless of which dentist offers the treatment.

The fact is that my veneer/cosmetic cases are virtually the same as they were in Troy; And the same is true for full mouth reconstruction and implant related dentistry.

Yes my fillings cost $50 more than they used to but very few of my patients have crowns on non-root canal treated teeth. If I can save you $1000 by restoring your tooth with a strong bonded white (resin) filling, isn't it worth an extra $50?

The cost to operate our office is significantly more than it cost in Troy but my personal income has been the same OR LESS than when I was in my old office.

Just something to think about.