Saturday, October 18, 2014

The "Ah Ha" Moment

Life usually goes on in a pretty predictable way. We get up, eat breakfast, go to work etc etc. Sometimes we 'wake up' from the norm and see something that is different from we usually do or think. That moment is the "Ah Ha" moment and it is a game changer for most people.

One of my new patients has been with me for about a year and came to our office as a 'reluctant' patient calling when he was swollen and in pain and forced to ask one of his co-workers who his dentist was.  Needless to say we saw him immediately and obtained an appointment for him with Root Canal Experts for an hour later. He had many root canals, had some hopeless teeth removed in preparation for implants and I have been restoring his teeth during this past year.

My patient had a mouthful of old dentistry including root canals, fillings and crowns...all of them relatively poorly done. He was NOT neglectful in taking care of his mouth. This week my patient was in for an appointment, sat down and said to me:

 "You know, I was thinking. What is different about your work is that in the past whenever I had dentistry, I always had to go back to the dentist because something broke, something fell out or it did not feel right. Since I have been coming to you, I never have to return for you to 'fix' something that you just fixed."

It occurred to my patient that something was completely different from his previous dental experience and he understood  what that was without someone in our office telling him that we try to do excellent work.

The real difference is objective and NOT subjective: More passion, more education, more study and scheduling more time with each patient.

Isn't that different?