Sunday, May 29, 2016

The Economy is Reasonable

How can I say this?  Is this a political statement?

When Susan and I started going to Charlotte,NC, we were in the midst of  the Great Recession  in 2010. Charlotte had been on the top of everyone's "One of the fastest growing Cities in America" during most of the first decade of the new century. The City had many skyscrapers for both business and residential uses. The Recession brought ALL construction to a halt and several of the building projects  came to a halt  and some even went bankrupt.

We spent Memorial Weekend in Charlotte this year and I can count at least 10 building cranes in the downtown area  building new skyscrapers in various stages of construction. And Charlotte is back in the "Top 10 fastest growing Cities List."

Again...Don't listen to the politicians...Count the building cranes...Look at the restaurants or see how many people will be watching the CocaCola 600 just outside of Charlotte.

Do you want to look at a glass a quarter empty or 3/4 full?

Or look at your retirement statement today compared with what it was in 20008.