Sunday, November 17, 2019

Richard Nixon ....NOT POLITICAL

I was alive and an adult during the Watergate Hearings. I have a BA in History and I knew the significance of the Hearings.

Today, some people like to talk about fake or biased news on CNN or FOX. Last night HBO had a special presentation (shown on CNN) , "Nixon on Nixon" in which ALL the audio that was heard was the voice of Richard Nixon and  his staff member...There was NO analysis or commentary...ZERO.. There was no fake news or bias... Just the words of  President Nixon.

And what did we hear about  and learn about Richard Nixon?

1. He hated Jews...He called them "kikes" and devious.
2. He hated Black people.
3. He did not believe that women should hold important positions in our government.

To hear the most powerful person in the world say hateful things was disheartening and sad.

You need to see this for yourself on CNN, HBO or perhaps YouTube.