Saturday, December 13, 2008

"The Billy Joel Question"

I am thrilled to announce that we have completed our new office at 18 Division Street, Saratoga Springs, NY and will start seeing patients in that office on January 7, 2009

Every week of the last 15 years someone would ask me the 'Billy Joel Question' of "Man What Are You Doing Here" in Cropseyville. And my only answer was that I have been here for 30 years and getting pretty 'old' to start over.

Last year it became obvious to my staff and me that we did indeed need to move if we wanted to continue to deliver fine restorative dentistry for our patients. Most dentists see more than one patient at a time or they schedule patients every 15 minutes. For the past 30 years, I have scheduled patients for a minimum of one hour with no 'double booking' because I wanted to deliver the best possible dentistry that I could.

There are two qualities that people should look for when they hire a physician, dentist, lawyer, accountant or even car mechanic...Is the person passionate about what they do and do they hate to fail. I am indeed very passionate about my dentistry and I hate when my work fails.