Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm Proud

My long time patient and friend Margie was selected to be the Chairperson for the 2009 annual Gala for Saratoga Bridges, an organization that provides support for people with disabilities and their families. After I opened my office in Saratoga, she made a personal visit and requested that I make a contribution to Saratoga Bridges....You don't say 'no' to Margie. I contributed a Smile Makeover valued at up to $15,000 to be auctioned to the highest bidder.
I am proud to tell you that my smile makeover earned the most amount of money at Margie's Gala.
At the end of the bidding for the smile makeover, I went over to the highest bidder and congratulated her. More importantly, I told her that I would do my very best to make her happy despite the fact that I was not going to earn a penny for treating this patient. The mark of a Professional is that they will ALWAYS do their best whether they are being paid or not. I am proud that my contribution will help disabled folks but I am just as proud that my integrity is NEVER based on how much I am being paid. My integrity is priceless and as I have told you before...I will never do anything to hurt a patient in order to increase my bottom line; That just will not happen.