Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It's All About TIME

If you go to Manhattan, there are parks where folks sit and play speed chess. The games last only 5-10 minutes and the goal is to play as well as you can in a very limited amount of time. No one would confuse this type of chess play with Chess Masters who play for hours with each move diliberately thought out. Much of dentistry today is like speed chess where the dentist schedules patients in 10-15 minute 'units' and work as fast as they can to produce the greatest amount of money in a given time period. No one should confuse this type of dentistry with how master dentists work.
In our office, we schedule patients for a minimum ONE HOUR appointments with the specific goal of doing the best possible work during that hour appointment. When we are doing large cases, our patient is the ONLY patient of the DAY and whether treatment lasts 4, 5 6 or even 9 hours, our goal remains to do the best possible treatment that we are capable of doing.
If patients beleive that all dentists are the same and a filling is a filling then you might as well go to the 10 minute dentist and pay discount fees. If your intelligence tells you that not all dentists are the same and that you need to find that master dentist to treat you, then treatment will take longer and cost more.
And intelligent folks understand that as well...Nothing new about that; excellence costs more.