Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Vistor Part 2

Two weeks ago a young dentist travelled all the way from Bangalore, India to Saratoga Springs, NY to study with me for a week. It was an incredibly fast week and it was great to have him both as a guest in my home and as a dentist in my office.
I received an email from Dr. Ashok yesterday telling me that I have "ruined him" by teaching him excellence. I sent Dr. Ashok an email and told him that I had merely helped him move from the unconsciously unknowing to the consciously unknowing which means that now he knows that he doesn't know. Every professional knows what it feels like to not be able to do what they see other dentists or physicians do. Feeling inept is not a pleasant feeling.
Dr. Ashok's patients are much better off after he has spent a week learning. I commend Dr. Ashok for having the courage to recognize that he didn't know what he didn't know and have the intelligence to do something about it.