Monday, May 28, 2012

Thirty Five Years

Tomorrow marks the 35th anniversary of my graduation from SUNY/Buffalo School of Dentistry.

I have always tried to be 'good' at the things that I attempted.I ran high school track and cross country on one of the best high school teams in the nation...And I managed to win 5 metals despite being very short for a quarter miler.

In 1972, I purchased a camera and started taking thousands of pictures in the hope of being excellent.I had a great childhood mentor in photography in Neil Leifer, the greatest sports photographer of our time. My goal was to win some photo contests and I managed to do that as well.

Being a dentist is different though. This job is not about me but rather my patient. Oh yes, I have won a no holds barred national cosmetic contest and I have managed to become nationally recognized for direct bonding but that is not what is important.

What is important is taking care of you in the best possible way by trying to do exceptional dentistry.

If I had to give myself a grade at the 35 year point, I would have to use the word that Newton Fahl, the world's greatest adhesive dentist used in describing my work as he walked around the room speaking to each course member. The word he used was 'EXCEPTIONAL.'

My career has been exceptional because no dental school in the country believed that I should become a dentist. I would like to thank Dr. Joseph Accardo of Niagara Falls , NY for believing in me and fighting to give me a chance. Were it not for Dr. Accardo, I would not be doing what I do today.

Dentistry remains my favorite thing to do.