Saturday, January 31, 2015

You Can't Be THAT Gullible

Angie's List Commercial | Pets

How Angie's List is different

  • Reviews are submitted by verified members, not anonymous visitors.
  • Buy and Schedule services – including discounts of up to 70% - from member-reviewed companies.
  • Find and share reviews on over 700 home and health categories,including plumbers, roofers, dentists, and doctors.
  • We're the only review site certified annually by BPA Worldwide, a respected auditing firm.
  • See both sides of the story: Companies and providers can respond to their reviews.
So if you become a member of Angie's list you may get up to 70% off member services..


I have discussed this here before. The facts are:

1. Overhead in an average dental practice is 70%. That means some practices have a 73% overhead and some have a 67% overhead.

But in any case, the dentist gets 30% minus taxes of 50% (Federal, State, Local, Social Security and Medicare taxes)

If I charge you $100 for treatment, I get $15 to take home and spend. That means that the overhead is $70 and that $70 does not change no matter what I charge you.

If I give you a 30% discount, I earn nothing, the Government gets no taxes but the staff, lights and rent gets paid.

Does this make sense? Is it sustainable? 

When you ask a dentist for a discount, you are knowingly or unknowingly asking the dentist  to spend less time, use cheaper materials or hire a lower quality worker. And this counts for insurance as well.

Do you really want lower quality dentistry? That means more root canals, more crowns and more implants.

Think about this.