Sunday, July 26, 2015

It's Rude

I am waiting to make a right hand turn at Division and Broadway and someone is in the crosswalk texting while crossing and not paying attention.

It's Rude.

Someone is reading a magazine at the checkout counter at the supermarket which prevents us from placing our groceries on the conveyer belt..Oh and her family had already left the area. And did I say that they left their shopping cart at the check out as well.

It's Rude.

Or the person checking out at the grocery but on the phone and not hearing the check out person asking her to pay.

It's Rude.

Or the person double parking on Broadway, blocking traffic despite the fact that there actually is a parking spot 10 feet away but they are too lazy to parallel park.

It's Rude.

Or how about the disabled man in his wheelchair who just throws his lighted cigarette onto the sidewalk.

It's Rude.

Ok you can say that I am old and not living in the real world. But then you are going to have to tell me when courtesy and consideration went out of style and WHY?  When you live in the world by yourself, you can do what you want. When you live in the world with the rest of us, you have to show some consideration for the rest of us.