Friday, July 31, 2015

When a Young Patient "Gets it"

Five years ago a 17 year old girl  and her Mother presented to our office for a cosmetic consultation. The patient was not happy with her extremely small front teeth (Normal tooth length is 10-11 mm and her front teeth were only 5 mm long.) and the spaces between her teeth. Her Mother understood that with such small front teeth, she would always look like a little girl even when she was 25. I referred the patient to Dr. Collins, the periodontist, who modified her bone and gum tissue  so that the teeth were almost full size. (The teeth were normal size but was covered up by excess gum tissue.) I placed veneers and our young patient immediately looked like an adult. Her results were spectacular and her teeth look like they were the ones that God gave her.

Last week my patient's Mother was in for a check up and she told me that she had 'the talk' with her daughter. Mom told her that since she recently graduated from college, it was time that she sat down and made a decision on the direction that her life would go.

My patient said , " I have been thinking. I know how fixing my teeth had changed my whole life and I am thinking about going to dental school."

I have been waiting for a young patient to say that for almost 40 years.

And they say that kids today just don't get it.