Sunday, December 24, 2017

From Project Oriented to Goal Oriented: The Path to Fine Dentistry

My Father was a project oriented type person. What does that mean?  "We have 5 things we have to do today so we have to work fast so that we can get them all done" is what he would say as we would start our tasks on a Saturday. That may seem reasonable to a lot of folks. A GOAL ORIENTED type of person might say, "Listen, we have five things we have to do today but we have to do each of them as well as we can before we move to the next thing on our list."

BIG difference.

So I grew up  a project oriented kid. Let's get it done.

When I purchased my first camera in 1972, I had already met my neighbor Walt who happened to also be interested in photography. He was a goal oriented person. He had no problem telling me that when I printed my photos in our bedroom which doubled as my dark room that I had not focused the lens on the printer so that the  photograph was not as sharp as it should be. Oh and by the way, there are dust particles on the black and white print. Do it AGAIN.

I printed the SAME photograph 8 times until I learned to get it perfect. 8 hours in the dark room and all I had to show was ONE PRINT.

That's how I became a goal oriented person and how I learned that doing things RIGHT is far better than doing things quickly.

I am NOT a fan of either automatic cameras OR PHOTOSHOPPING my photographs....just like the old days..If you couldn't see the the photo in the camera, it was cheating to fix it after the fact. Even though my Mirrorless camera can be fully automatic, I took the above photo in the manual mode with my goal to only have the young girl's dreadlocks in focus. (ISO 200, F2, 1/210 speed pushed one stop.) It was taken on one of our visits to Charlotte while waiting for Susan to get us each a glass of Cabernet.

I had the same level of Passion for photography that I have for dentistry...Aren't you glad that I found photography before I went to dental school? I certainly am.

(You can double click on the photo to see it full screen.)