Tuesday, May 1, 2018

I Am Always Amazed

I have been fired by thousands if not tens of thousands of patients over the last 40 years. The vast majority of people leave our practice because I don't participate with their insurance.Similarly, the vast majority will leave our practice recognizing that we pursue excellence.

Someone messaged me on Facebook yesterday after I consulted with his daughter about a dental issue that she was having. Prior to the consult, I was not aware that she is a physician.

Thanks for helping our daughter yesterday. She mention that you may not remember us. Chris and I were one of your first patients when you started in Tamarac. I still have the original bridge you did for me in 1983 I think. Anyway thanks for fixing Erins issue, I told her you are the best.

Hi M,
Yes I remember you. I hope that I helped your daughter
Yes...in her words you were awesome. You practice medicine the same way that she does. Thanks again.
These people have not been my patient for more than 30 years but what they remember is that they considered me 'the best.'

If they STILL think that I am the best and that my work has lasted THIRTY FIVE YEARS, don't you wonder why they are no longer my patient?

In the last year a young lady came to my office with a dental problem and she told me that her grandfather who was still alive told her that the best dentist that he had ever been to was Dr. Benjamin...

I have never understood this......................